Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Patty II

I bought a laptop with my earnings from my Dandy hobby!  And I found the most perfect laptop skin to go with it!  The last laptop I bought was in 2005 and I used it for three years of college and beyond.  It's name was Patty the Lappy and it really was a dinosaur, but I thought I was living the dream.  I think it got passed down to several siblings as it got sicker and sicker.  The last time we were visiting home, I found her abandoned in the garage.  I took her home with us, and as soon as Lincoln found it, he plucked off all the keys, one at a time. 
And so, Patty II, welcome to the family.  We're finally a 2-computer family again.  We're really living it ritzy, huh.

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