Monday, November 4, 2013

My Photographer Boyfriend

Jason is a fantastic photographer and he has been a sweatheart and a half about taking all these glamour shots for the crazy reviews I do on Dandy.
We're like our own "model and photographer boyfriend" couple.  I love it.

 Ok, I took the picture above.  It took about 15 attempts of setting the timer and running up the steps to pose and balance!  It was 6am and the park policeman was chatting with me the whole time, haha.


And I think I look 30 yrs old in this picture from yesterday.  Someone at church asked if my husband has ever thought of running for office because I have the perfect 'politician's wife' hair, haha!  100% compliment!


Crissa Pollmann Robertson said...

I know about this kind of relationship :) Unfortunately we aren't as good....either I need to take modeling classes or he needs to take photography classes ha ha

Camille said...

Not true--your team effort pictures are perfect! We really do have the funnest job/hobby/creative outlet in the world, don't we!