Tuesday, September 13, 2011

He Can Crawl! He Can Crawl! He Can Crawl!

(Set to "He Can Fly! He Can Fly! He Can Fly!" from Dumbo)
 Thanks for all your prayers and concern, as we all thought this day would never come.  Geez, at 11 months he finally figures it out.  Just kidding.  Were we really worried?
After trying to allure him with keys, cheerios, even shiny pairs of scissors, what did the trick?  Tiny pieces of cheese, of course.  My little foodie.


Jolena said...

good work Lincoln! Is he crawling normal or army crawling?

Camille said...

Oh its totally army crawl. Small victories!

Jolena said...

That's what Spencer does too! I think it's hilarious and so cute. I'm not sure he'll ever crawl normal since he's so fast army crawling. I bet Lincoln can go super fast on your wood floors.

Sabrina said...

It took adie 11 months to get the crawling thing down too. We are so excited Lincoln hit this milestone even if on his own timetable. Now the babyproofing really begins.

Natalie Monson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Natalie and Steve said...

Wahoo! I can't believe he is almost a year old! (By the way, the deleted comment was mine. I accidentally made it using my business blog.)

Diana said...

I always thought Lincoln was a mini-me of Jason. But in that bottom picture, he looks just like you, Camille. Beautiful!