Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We're Having a...

baby, yes, but keep reading. So I really thought I wasn't as far along as everyone said, partly because I was tracking my temperature every morning that month, so I begged my doctor yesterday for an ultrasound to clarify the due date. We went in today--I think its so cruel how they tell the PREGNANT women to come for their ultrasound with a full bladder--and its true, I'm only 13 weeks and 3 days, not the 15 like they said. New due date: Oct. 17th! I leaned over to Jason and said, "You know, my mom found out Derek was a boy at 13 weeks", and he said, "Can you really tell that early?". Our ultrasound-ist said, "Do you want to know? Because it looks pretty clear to me!" Sure enough, from several angles and positions, he's a boy! Just like I thought!! Really, we've both had dreams that it was a boy, and I just felt it from the beginning, so we didn't even worry so much about choosing girl names. We went through the baby books just looking for boy names and didn't even turn to the girl section. Lets just say our babies would have very different names if I were the only one choosing and Jason didn't have the veto power that he does. Oh I love little 'him' so much! I love how he'll be the "big brother" and watch out for the younger ones. I'll raise him to be such a good example to them, and to be a good first missionary. I really want to start sewing a white baby tux for a blessing outfit! The plan was to cut up my wedding dress for blessing outfits, but I don't think the meatball would like polka dots very much. They just scream feminine to me. (Ultrasound pictures in the morning when I get to a scanner)


Allison said...

Pretty exciting!! congrats!

Sabrina said...

How fun you got to find out already! I always wished I had a big brother to watch out for me. I understand on the names and veto power by the other half. It can be hard to come to an agreement but I am excited to find out what you settle on and most excited to meet the little guy.

Elise said...

Oh, but a polka dot bow-tie would just be too cute!

It's so frustrating that you aren't as far along as originally said. . .that happened to me with Everett. But I'm so excited that you got to find out what you're having! What fun! I love having a boy first, and you really will raise a great missionary, big brother, young man.

Carrie said...

Congrats!! We found out we are having a boy too! Yay for future missionaries!