Sunday, October 6, 2013

Family Picture Practice

So I know that I am not really a photographer--I am really what Brett calls a mom with a DSLR who thinks she is a photographer!  Regardless, I was excited to get more experience taking some family pictures yesterday!

This is my dear friend Lindsey and her family.  We are the Relief President and 1st counselor in our ward, and watching the way she has calmed storms and loved without boundaries will always be an example to me!

We've kind of banded together as the only two wives with husbands working in finance and excluded from the Harvard or MIT crowd.  We've been able to empathize about our husbands' unpredictable hours and the state of limbo that we call pre-business school.


Sabrina said...

You got some great shots!

ellen said...

You're a great photographer!