So we had ourselves a wedding! Travis finally found his match! We LOVE Holly!!!
I'm hoping you would never have guessed there was a vest fiasco the night before. It was completely my fault, too--I only asked for the chest measurements on my little brothers, forgetting that they are are so skinny, and a small chest makes a small vest. They looked like midriff tops, and so I rushed out to find more fabric and scrambled three more vests together within hours of the wedding, and I'm hoping from these pictures that you can't tell that three of these vests are of a different fabric, no pockets, without interfacing, and the sides aren't even sewn shut inside.

Sealed for time and all eternity! Oh what a wonderful day it was!
The vests look great in the pic. No worries! I love their color scheme and the lace skirts. All very classy! Congratulations to your brother!
What a wonderful occasion! The colors look beautiful! You would never know about the vests. It all looks great. It was so fun to be able to see you the day before the wedding399 in Provo. You're amazing Camille to be able to whip up three vests after we saw you on Friday!
I agree--the vests look just great! I never would have guessed.
Where is your other son in the boy pictures? I was guessing he may have refused to participate. That or I'm just missing him...
Haha, yes, Natalie you're exactly right--he was refusing :) I was chasing him around the temple grounds like a crazy mommy, trying to convince him it would be fun to be in more pictures, and I had run out of smarties. Oh toddlers!
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