I have a wonderful birth story to tell! It was really the most perfect delivery in every way. Friday afternoon I had my 39 week appointment. You know you're a spectacle when even the OB nurses gather around to see your belly every week. I'd been begging for an induction for weeks and told my doctor if I didn't have a baby by the time my mom got here on the 5th, she'd break my water for me. I went home pretty optimistic as contractions were getting a little rough. Me and Link almost missed getting off at our subway station because I was in the middle of a contraction at our stop. As soon as Jason got home we started timing them at 6 minutes apart. As they got more intense and closer together, I figured this was it! We put Lincoln to bed and called over some friends to babysit (thank you Jenn & Devin!). We checked in the hospital at 8pm and I was measuring 7 cm! I was insistent about getting my epidural, which leads you to this MUCH happier version of laboring Camille:
We chilled until around 12:15am when the doctor broke my water. When the nurse came back an hour later, I told her it felt like his head was right there. She looked and exclaimed that she could see a head! I laughed for Jason to come over and his entire head came out! With a few more laughs, the baby fell right into the nurse's arms at 1:17am!
And Parley Dean Millar was born with hardly a wimper. He instantly cuddled up and calmed down on my belly. ("Dean" is for my Dad, Robert Dean)
I kept thinking, "What just happened?!"
8 lbs. 1 oz. and 21 inches. I can already sense some brother rivalry, seeing as they both wanted to be here 6 days early. If Parley couldn't be heavier than his brother at birth (8lbs. 10 oz. and 20 inches), he'd atleast be an inch taller.
This baby is just a sweetheart. We haven't heard him cry more than 10 minutes in the last 3 days combined. I figured he'd be a much calmer baby by how he behaved in the womb.
Proud Daddy! You're my steady!
Thoroughly enjoying his first visit to the spa.
Lincoln is understanding whats going on a little more every day and I think he'll be just fine.
He looooves to push Parley in his baby swing. We'll keep an eye on that one :)
Jason thinks he looks just like my baby picture! Could it be!?
I was sure all our children would be mini-Jasons. I'd love one of my own!
I feel so blessed and SO HAPPY to mother a newborn again. I love the opportunity I have to be a mother and I'm so excited to have this new little person join our family!